Kindness has the potential to create a big impact in the world. A small singular act of kindness can create a chain reaction of kind acts that makes people feel happier about their life. My goal is to do an act of kindness everyday for a week in an attempt to create a chain reaction of kindness as well as a feeling of closeness in my interpersonal relationships. I was inspired by the movie "Pay It Forward" (2000) because I believe the message behind the movie is powerful and shows a perfect example of how kindness can encourage positive change in life.
Saturday, June 1, 2019: I had work at 10AM in order to open the restaurant. I helped my manager Kat organize and clean before customers arrived and made coffee for my sleepy co-workers. I also met a co-worker named Quinn and complimented her on her cute outfit and long curly hair.
Sunday, June 2, 2019: Today I helped my mom out with yard work and gardening. We planted many beautiful flowers together and had a very fun time together. Afterwards, we hung lights from a tree in our backyard and put up two bird houses for birds to raise their families in this spring.
Monday, June 3, 2019: Mrs. Loke brought in treats for Junior Study Hall and I helped her arrange them on the back table. I gave her a hug and thanked her for her kind gesture. She spent her whole weekend baking brownies and frosting cupcakes! It must've been a lot of work, but she has an extremely kind heart and wanted to show her appreciation for our good behavior.

Tuesday, June 4, 2019: I decided to share one of my sister's school projects. For her Human Relations class she had to do random acts of kindness and report about them. She decided to write uplifting notes and put them in WW2 books due to the event being a dark time in our world's history.
Wednesday, June 5, 2019: In my choir class, my teachers needed help taking our music out of our folders and sorting them. It was really fun working together as a team to help our teachers.
Thursday, June 6, 2019: I brought cookies for a celebration of our last normal day of German class. My classmates really enjoyed them, however, there was still a few cookies left afterward so I brought them into my Psychology class next period. The whole class thanked me and ate rest of the cookies.
Friday, June 7, 2019: Mrs. Loke made treats for the Seniors today. She asked if a few Juniors would volunteer to help her carry them out to Senior study hall. I helped carry out a dozen cupcakes after her beautiful oration where she congratulated and wished all of them well on their lives after high school.