October 19th, 2019
I arrived 10 minutes early to see a tan car parked with an older man in the driver‘s seat.
”This is the Highway K clean up, correct?” I ask him after pulling down the window of my car.
A large grin appeared on his face as we both stepped out to greet each other. He introduced himself as Bob and kindly shook my hand. He told me his son would be joining us shortly as pleasant conversation ensued.

Minutes later, everyone began to arrive. It was an early morning, especially for high school students on a Saturday. We each split into three separate groups and left toward our location that was just a mile up the road.
We spent 2 hours picking up trash that was thrown from the windows of cars speeding by. It was eye opening to see how much trash there was in only a small section of road. Bob explained how he went out only 6 months ago and was shocked that there was this much trash already littered in that time span. It made me think of the highways and the miles they span across our country, all cluttered with trash.
Being mindful of ourselves means being mindful of the environment we are living in. Make the extra second decision to leave a positive impact on our Earth by properly disposing or reducing the amount of trash you create.
